More than 100 years’ senior management experience focused on meeting your requirement
Few things can be a more powerful motivator to meet your needs than our determination to continue a three-generation company history and pass it onto a fourth…
The commitment and experience of our senior management team is your reassurance that we’re here for the long term. Read on to discover their personal views on meeting your needs…
Jonathan’s grandfather, George Anstee co-founded the company in 1948, with a clear vision of bringing engineering excellence to everything he did. At the same time, he put great store in contributing to the economy and treating customers, suppliers and employees with respect.
As well as continuing the Anstee family dynasty, one of Jonathan’s top priorities, as a business leader and qualified engineer with a BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering, is custodianship of his grandfather’s vision, principles and love of engineering innovation.
Products, markets and the world itself have changed beyond recognition since 1948. However, the principles George Anstee held so dear remain the same.
“I can think of few things more worthwhile than continuing to do full justice to my grandfather’s principles and building on them to benefit future stakeholders in our company.”
Chief Executive
Mark joined the Anstee & Ware Group over 20 years ago after obtaining a BA in Business & Finance and an MA in Finance.
During his time at the company, he’s gained valuable knowledge and experience in the electromechanical engineering trade. He applies his engineering, strategic and financial skills to develop our business around the world, provide jobs and make a valuable contribution to the economies where we operate.
“I think our founders would be very proud of what our employees contribute to industry around the world. I consider it a privilege to continue such an enduring engineering tradition.”
After 37 years with the company (he joined straight from school and served a 5-year electrical engineering apprenticeship), Barry is a visionary.
He sees himself as one of the main drivers of a shared passion to make Anstee Coil Technology the best in the world at what it does – leading the way in electromagnetic coil technology for wide-ranging existing and emerging applications.
Over the years, Barry has played a key role in transforming the business from a UK-only company to a recognised market leader setting the pace in innovative coil technology worldwide.
“From the heart of Gloucestershire to Europe, Asia and the Americas, I’m determined that we’ll be your instinctive first point of contact when you need to harness the power and benefits of leading-edge coil technology.”